Research Opportunities

Are You Recruiting for a Research Study?

If you have a research study you are currently recruiting for and would like to share with the ISBD audience, please click here

Questions?  Contact Mary Miller, MSW, ISBD Program Manager at

Research Opportunities

** Please note the ISBD cannot answer questions on research studies.**
  **All contact information is listed in each study**


Country: United States

University/Organization: UC Berkeley

Research Opportunity: Healthy Lifestyles for Bipolar Disorder

Brief Inclusion Criteria: 18-65 years old; diagnosed with and receiving treatment for bipolar disorder; experiencing issues with sleep or keeping daily routines; have access to a working smartphone with a camera

International Participants Accepted: Yes - United States, Canada, United Kingdom, India, Australia 

Deadline to Participate: December 2029

Contact Name and Email : CALM Program 

For more details on this opportunity, see study flyer here or visit study webpage here


Country: United States

University/Organization: University of Houston

Research Opportunity: Predictors of Motivation to Work for People with Serious Mental Illness

Brief Inclusion Criteria: 18-65 years old; diagnosed with a psychiatric illness; continue to have or have had significant difficulties that affect ability to do one or more major life activities in the past year; having symptoms currently or in the past year

International Participants Accepted: No- United States residents only 

Deadline to Participate: December 2024

Contact Name and Email : Abha Prasad

For more details on this opportunity, see study flyer here or visit study webpage here